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Day to Day Banking Appointments

Applicants ages 16+

  1. Two pieces of identification documents (ID):
    • 1 valid government-issued photo ID: Driver’s license, Passport, Permanent Resident card, Nexus card, Indian status card or National Defense ID
    • 1 secondary non-photo ID: Credit card, Birth certificate, Social Insurance Number, or Old age security card
  2. Proof of Canadian Address (if not on ID): Phone bill, electricity bill etc.
  3. Social Insurance Number (Note: applicants 18 and under who don’t have a SIN yet, or temporary Canadian residents who don’t require a SIN to be in Canada but have a visitor record or study permit etc., do not need to present a SIN).
  4. $5 in Membership Equity Shares: Once your membership is approved, you’ll be asked to purchase $5 in Membership Equity Shares. Don’t worry, it’s not a fee. It’s a one-time investment giving you a say in how we do business via the Board of Directors.

Applicants ages 12 to 15

  1. Identification documents (ID):
    • 1 piece of valid government-issued photo ID: Passport, Permanent Resident card, or Indian status card
    • 2 pieces of secondary non-photo ID: Birth certificate or Social Insurance Number form/document
  2. Proof of Canadian Address (if not on ID): Phone bill, electricity bill etc.
  3. Social Insurance Number (Note: applicants 18 and under who don’t have a SIN yet, or temporary Canadian residents who don’t require a SIN to be in Canada but have a visitor record or study permit etc., do not need to present a SIN)
  4. $5 in Membership Equity Shares: Once your membership is approved, you’ll be asked to purchase $5 in Membership Equity Shares. Don’t worry, it’s not a fee. It’s a one-time investment giving you a say in how we do business via the Board of Directors.

    Applicants ages 6 to 11
    Joint memberships must be opened with a parent or legal guardian for applicants aged 6 to 11.

    1. Identification documents (ID):
      • 1 piece of valid government-issued photo ID: Passport, Permanent Resident card, or Indian status card
      • 2 pieces of secondary non-photo ID: Birth certificate or Social Insurance Number form/document
    2. Proof of Canadian Address (if not on ID): Phone bill, electricity bill etc.
    3. Social Insurance Number (Note: applicants 18 and under who don’t have a SIN yet, or temporary Canadian residents who don’t require a SIN to be in Canada but have a visitor record or study permit etc., do not need to present a SIN)
    4. $5 in Membership Equity Shares: Once your membership is approved, you’ll be asked to purchase $5 in Membership Equity Shares. Don’t worry, it’s not a fee. It’s a one-time investment giving you a say in how we do business via the Board of Directors.
    1. Valid government-issued photo ID (1 piece): Driver’s license, Passport, Nexus card, Indian Status card, National Defense ID, or Permanent Resident card
    2. Paper or electronic statements of any investments outside of Coast Capital

    Mortgage Appointments

    1. Valid government-issued photo ID (1 piece): Driver’s license, Passport, Nexus card, Indian Status card, National Defense ID, or Permanent Resident card
    2. Social Insurance Number
    3. Paper or electronic statements of any investments outside of Coast Capital
    4. Income documents
      • Fixed Employment Income: If your salary is consistent throughout the year and you are employed as a regular full-time or permanent part-time with a fixed salary, please provide one of the following:
        • A current year-to-date pay stub accompanied by your most recent NOA, T4, or 3 month history of direct payroll
        • A current employment letter by your most recent Notice Of Assessment (NOA), T4 or 3 month history of direct payroll
      • Self Employment Income: If you are self-employed, you will need to provide the last two years NOA and one of the following
        • If you are incorporated:
          • Last 2 years Income Tax Return (T1G) and last 2 years financial statements or corporate T2’s including General Index Of Financial Information (GIFI) and
          • Corresponding corporate NOA
      • Variable or Commission based on Income: If your income varied throughout the year, you will need to provide a current year-to-date pay stub and one of the following:
        • Last 2 years T1 General and corresponding NOA or
        • Last 2 years T4
    5. Real estate purchase contract (including property disclosure statement)
    6. Real estate sale contract (if the residence has been sold)
    7. Confirmation of down payment
    8. Strata Form “B” (if applicable)
    9. Asset verification, please provide the following for any assets you may hold:
      • Real estate: Current BC Property Tax Assessment(s) and mortgage balance statement(s) if mortgage is not with Coast Capital
      • Investments: Current statements for RRSP, GICs, Mutual funds etc., if investments are not with Coast Capital
      • Vehicles: Details about the current vehicle owned, including recreational

    1 piece of valid government-issued photo ID:

    • Driver’s license
    • Passport
    • Nexus card
    • Indian Status card
    • National Defense card
    • Permanent Resident card

    1 piece of valid government-issued photo ID:

    • Driver’s license
    • Passport
    • Nexus card
    • Indian Status card
    • National Defense card
    • Permanent Resident card

    Loan or Line of Credit Appointments

    1. Valid government-issued photo ID (1 piece): Driver’s license, Passport, Nexus card, Indian Status card, National Defense ID,or Permanent Resident card
    2. Social Insurance Number
    3. Paper or electronic statements of any investments outside of Coast Capital
    4. Income documents
      • Fixed Employment Income: If your salary is consistent throughout the year and you are employed regular full-time or permanent part-time with a fixed salary, please provide one of the following:
        • A current year-to-date pay stub accompanied by your most recent NOA, T4, or 3 month history of direct payroll
        • A current employment letter by your most recent Notice Of Assessment (NOA), T4 or 3 month history of direct payroll
      • Self Employment Income: If you are self-employed, you will need to provide the last two years NOA and one of the following
        • If you are incorporated:
          • Last 2 years Income Tax Return (T1G) and last 2 years financial statements or corporate T2’s including General Index Of Financial Information (GIFI) and
          • Corresponding corporate NOA
        • Variable or Commission based on Income: If your income varied throughout the year, you will need to provide a current year-to-date pay stub and one of the following:
          • Last 2 years T1 General and corresponding NOA or
          • Last 2 years T4
    5. Recent statements for items to be paid out (if applicable): Credit card statements and any other large item statements
    6. Recent mortgage balance statement, if mortgage is not with Coast Capital Savings
    7. Asset verification, please provide the following for any assets you may hold:
      • Real estate: Current BC Property Tax Assessment(s) and mortgage balance statement(s) if mortgage is not with Coast Capital
      • Investments: Current statements for RRSP, GICs, Mutual funds etc., if investments are not with Coast Capital
      • Vehicles: Details about the current vehicle owned, including recreational

    1. Current mortgage balance statement, if the mortgage is not with Coast Capital
    2. Current property tax assessment and Strata form B (if applicable)
    3. Asset verification, please provide the following for any assets you may hold:
      • Real estate: Current BC Property Tax Assessment(s) and mortgage balance statement(s) if mortgage is not with Coast Capital
      • Investments: Current statements for RRSP, GICs, Mutual funds etc., if investments are not with Coast Capital
      • Vehicles: Details about the current vehicle owned, including recreational

    1 piece of valid government-issued photo ID:

    • Driver’s license
    • Passport
    • Nexus card
    • Indian Status card
    • National Defense card
    • Permanent Resident card

    Investment and Planning Appointments

    1. Valid government-issued photo ID (1 piece): Driver’s license, Passport, Permanent Resident card, Nexus card, Indian status card or National Defense ID
    2. Social Insurance Number (SIN) form/document
    3. Paper or electronic statements of any investments outside of Coast Capital

    1 piece of valid government-issued photo ID:

    • Driver’s license
    • Passport
    • Nexus card
    • Indian Status card
    • National Defense card
    • Permanent Resident card

    Credit Card Appointments

    1. Valid government-issued photo ID (1 piece): Driver’s license, Passport, Permanent Resident card, Nexus card, Indian status card or National Defense ID
    2. Social Insurance Number (SIN) form/document